Madea's Family Renuion

Man I am tired. Working 9.5 hours yesterday and then having a catered event to work from 8 to 2 the next day was not very fun, but hey it made the day better to see the new Madea movie, Family Reniuon. That movie was really good, and so funny. Tyler Perry was hilarious. My stomach was hurting after the movie was over with. *smile* It is always good to laught like that. I had my fun for the weekend, tomorrow I have to outline this paper and try to write this paper that is due on the 2nd. I want to try to finish early in the week because I have an assignment to do.

Right now I am wishing that some money would fall from the sky right now. I get paid in like 4 days, but I hate not having money, but oh well I will be alright.

Keep thinking what in the hell I am going to do for spring break. I keep hearing about other peopl'e plans, and i wish that I could do what they are doing. I know that I am not going home for the week because my mom would work my nerves after a couple of days, and not having a car would make it harder if I wanted to leave right away. But I think I am going to see my Uncle who lives in L.A. I have not been to his house for awhile and he lives near Hollywood and such, so maybe I can find some things to get into. I was just lookin over my 101 things to do in 1001 days, and I have realized I am not working really hard to get anything of those done, so maybe I should contemplate ones that I can accomplish soon.

said Michelle on 2006-02-25 @ 6:18 p.m.

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Being a Social Worker - 2006-11-07
Need a new Job!! - 2006-10-11
Two Months into my New Life - 2006-08-30
Loving the Job - 2006-08-17
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Stalk Me
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