Pilates Galore

Yes, this week is over with. I do not know why, but this weeks so far have been flying by. This weekend will consist of me studying my ass of for my first entomology midterm that is on wednesday. I have not missed one class in the last two weeks, and for that I am so proud of myself. I have all of the material that I need to study for.

Today I went to the Pilates at the Recreational center at school. I am going to be sore tomorrow. I know that I have the dvd's but this class is not like Windsor Pilates, because windsor has yoga incoporated into it. I went because I did not know if I was doing the excercises right, and I found that I was not in some of the positions correctly. I think I am going to be faithful and go to the classes, to see if I see some results

I applied for two more credit cards. One is a student credit card, the other is a regular. I do not know if I will get either, so I am going to try and get a Macy's card or something, I have to start some where.

I think I might go to a kick back with my roomies tonight. I have not been to a party for awhile, so it should be fun.

Well, I am going to relax for a bit, so catch you all later.

said Michelle on 2004-04-16 @ 7:06 p.m.

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4 months later - 2007-03-11
Being a Social Worker - 2006-11-07
Need a new Job!! - 2006-10-11
Two Months into my New Life - 2006-08-30
Loving the Job - 2006-08-17
The Diary
The xtras
Stalk Me
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