Writers Block

I Have major writer's block. I"m supposed to writing my ethnic studies term paper, which is due oh thursday. I have almost two pages done, but I feel that it is just plain crap. Then again, I always feel that way on what I write and end up doing pretty good on the paper. I'm also supposed to register for classes on thurday, and the classes that I want to take are filling up fast. I do not know if there will be space in the classes that I want to take when it is finally my turn.

I don't know, I have felt on edge for the last couple of days. Just feeling some of the pressure. You know, of finals coming up and what not. (Takes a deep breath) I hope that I do well on my finals, want to bring up my G.P.A. Been on edge also because Duaine is finally getting the hell out of Ohio tommorow. He is moving to New Orleans. I just hope that he does well. He knows noone out there, and will be alone. Well, he is a strong person, I feel that he will make out just fine. He knows that if he needs someone to talk to, he has me.

I just want to be able to finish this paper soon. I also have to compose an outline for my History Term Paper to give to my T.A. tommorow. I finally went to the library, and got some books on my subject. I think I will work on that for awhile, and then go back to my term paper.

Anyway, probably will not be back tonight, but everyone have a great night. Oh yeah, not feeling any love either. Maybe it's because I have not been leaving anyone else notes or gb entries either. Hmm.. maybe I should go do that.

said Michelle on 2003-03-04 @ 7:05 p.m.

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