Name Statistics

Yeah so got this of off momma03's website. She went to to find out her name statistics and I did the same. Here are my results.

Michelle is the #21 most common female name.
0.519% of females in the US are named Michelle.
Around 661725 US females are named Michelle!

Now for my last name

Johnson is the #2 most common last name.
0.81% of last names in the US are Johnson.
Around 2025000 US last names are Johnson!

Looks like both my first and last name are very common. It sucks because I can call into a crowd and say the Michelle and I bet like half the women would turn around. It sucks, because I wish my first name was really unique, but oh well, I love having the name Michelle.

Anyone interested in your popularity of your name go to It can really surprise you!

said Michelle on 2003-07-30 @ 7:12 p.m.

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