Pieces of You- Resolutions

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas. I know that I did. It turned out okay after all. I really had a nice time at my Uncle's house. On Christmas Day, we went and Saw Return of the King, so I have seen it twice now. *smile*. I bet everyone is looking forward to the new year. I know I am. I wonder what great things it will bring me. With that said, her is this week's

I know that I have not written for them in awhile, so here I go.

2004 Resolutions

Now that we've reminisced about 2003, let's look ahead to next year. What do you hope the new year will bring? Any resolutions or ambitions?

I have a couple of resolutions for myself. The first important thing for me is to not be so self conscious. I have to realize that I am a beatiful person inside and out, that the good Lord did not make any mistakes with me, and that I have to love everything about myself including my flaws. My second resolution is stand up for myself more, and not let anyone manipulate me in anything. That only brings me down, and depresses me, and I do not need that. I will not be around negativity, because that not good for me, or anyone. My ambitions this year, are to get a car, and to find an internship this summer. I will also try to wear more skirts and shorts when it get's hot, because I realize that none of my friends have seen my legs, and they do need some sun. *smile* I also would like to finally meet my sweetheart Duaine. It will great to see him after all of this time. *smile*

I think this New Year will be great for me. If I keep working hard, and keep up the good work, I know all of these things will come my way.

said Michelle on 2003-12-27 @ 4:55 p.m.

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Being a Social Worker - 2006-11-07
Need a new Job!! - 2006-10-11
Two Months into my New Life - 2006-08-30
Loving the Job - 2006-08-17
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