No More!

Man I feel so confused. My mom and sister are fighting again. My mother told me what happened. She got mad at me because she says I always take shemika's side in everything. True, she is my sister, and true, that some of things that my mother does is not right. Shemika is stubborn, and she has a temper like my mother and my father, so they tend to butt heads often. Shemika may smart mouth my mother, and everything once in awhile, but what am I supposed to do? Tell shemika to respecet my mother more? I mean I tell her to calm down often, but shemika does what she wants, she is so stubborn, you cannot tell her anything. My mom is just tired of me taking my sister's side in everything. She feels that we double team her. But I feel what me and shemika jump on her about are things that are just mean sometimes.

I just feel that I am being pulled in two directions. I am tired of taking on everyone else's problems. I am tired of worrying about my mom and my stter when they fight, or when my mother get's ill. I have my own problems and stuff to deal with. I feel that I do not worry about myself enough, I am always worried about someone else. I think that is really driving me nuts.

So for now one, I am going to let them deal with their own stuff. They need to come to grips, and try to get along or something. They need work out their own problems. I am through with putting so much stress on myself.

said Michelle on 2004-02-25 @ 10:25 p.m.

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