Duaine release Update

I had a call from Duaine today. That really made me happy. He sounded in good spirits. He is about to be moved to a new cell block because he is going to be tutoring other inmates soon. He gave me the update on his release date. In order for him to be released in may, the halfway house that he is going to do has to have an opening. If they do not, then he has to wait until July. Man I hope he gets out in May, if not, then he has to wait until July. I asked him if he could wait that long, and he said yes, but he said it did not matter about him, but it mattered whether I can wait that long. I said of course I can wait that long, man I have been waiting so long, why in the world will I just quit and forget about him just when it is time for him to be released. We have both put so much into this thing. I told him I would not do that, that I am not like that. He tells me that he knows, but it has happened to him in the past. He then told me that is why he loves me so much, because I am not like the other girls that he used to be with. It made me feel really good. I hope he can call me next month.

I got a bit accomplished today. I am about done with one of my study guides for one of my finals. When I come back from work, I need to cotinue working on studying for one of my finals on monday. I think I will do okay on that one. Well I am off to shower, need to be at work in a little bit, see all of you later!!!

said Michelle on 2005-03-12 @ 3:16 p.m.

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