Gastrointestional Bleeding

So comes to find out that duaine has Gastrointestional bleeding and quite possibly an ulcer. The poor thing, he went to the emergency room, and they finally told him what it was. It is not life threatening, but he has no insurance, and no money to get his medication which sucks. Some way he will get the money to get his medication, but I do not want him to suffer and be in pain until he is able to get it. My poor baby. Before this started happened, in the past he would complain about having bad heartburn and such too, so maybe this has lead to the bleeding. Well I am glad to know that it is not life threatening, but probably for now on, he is going to watch what he eats, as to not upset it.

This has been such a busy week for me, man I have two group presentations tomorrow, and I have a paper to write over the weekend. I register for winter classes sometime next week, and I have no idea what I am taking. I am going to try and get only tuesday and thursday classes again. I rather enjoy the schedule that I have.

Well off to play around the computer.

said Michelle on 2005-11-02 @ 4:13 p.m.

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