Father is Visiting

My father is flying in today. I have not seen him in abou two years, which is too long for me. Yep, my father and I still keep in contact with each other, which some people find weird because they do not keep in contact with their fathers if their parents are divorced. He is flying out because my sister's 20th birthday is on Sunday, so that is nice.

Classes are already really eventful. For my ethnic studies class I have so much reading to do already. I need to get week 1 and week 2 reading done over the weekend. This class also cost me 124 bucks for a damn reader, which is not even a real book, but oh well. I did not have to buy any other books for my other classes, so I got lucky this time.

I did something that many people do no think I should have done, but I got a laptop, well I ordered one, and it has not been built yet. I got it through dell because I got a line of credit through them, and they were as cheap as I could find. I did not go full out, and get the works, but just the basics. It was under a grand, so that is pretty good. I really needed one because I am tired of being at the computer lab all of te time, and I am tired of tying up my roomates when he needs to use his. This will be my graduation gift, and my graduation gift. I do not plan on buying anything big for awhile. Yeah I know it might of been a poor choice given the fact of my financial situation right now, but hey I paid off one credit card, and I am working on my other one. It will be paid. My credit score went up again, I am not late on my payments, so I am doing okay. I still have one more refund check in the spring, and that will get my credit card down, if I can get it down to 1500 it would be good. Everything will happen with time, and I have to take it day by day.

I am mad that i missed Lost last night. My friends dragged me out to bowling last night, even though I have waited for about 4 weeks to see the new episode. But I did not want to be a party pooper, so I went. My friend is going to download it from the internet, and put it on dvd for me so I can catch up.I know if I do not watch it before next week's episode, I will be really Lost, no pun intended.

Life is grand, I am happy, tired but happy. Duaine and I are good, so everything is as it should be right now. I have two hours to kill before I have my late ass discussion. So tell me, what should I do?

said Michelle on 2006-01-12 @ 3:02 p.m.

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4 months later - 2007-03-11
Being a Social Worker - 2006-11-07
Need a new Job!! - 2006-10-11
Two Months into my New Life - 2006-08-30
Loving the Job - 2006-08-17
The Diary
The xtras
Stalk Me
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