Oh happy Day!

So I spent the day yesterday studying for my History midterm. I think that I will be okay. I still have to review some terms today with Ashling, and look over the Odyssey a bit, but I think I will be fine.

My mother came by yesterday and brought me a buttload of snacks. That made my day, because I was dying in here with no food to tide me over.

Man, right now eating some cheese and onion flavored pringles, and they are good, but they have my breath kickin. I like them in all, but just remind me not to go breathing in everyone's face.

Hopefully people will start to come back today, because this weekend I was absolutely lonely. It was creepy being here all by myself, but oh well, atleast I got studying done in this quiet atmosphere.

The plans today are to maybe relax for awhile, and then study with Ashling. Will be back later!


said Michelle on 2003-01-20 @ 10:47 a.m.

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Being a Social Worker - 2006-11-07
Need a new Job!! - 2006-10-11
Two Months into my New Life - 2006-08-30
Loving the Job - 2006-08-17
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Stalk Me
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