Budget Cuts

Man I have to rant because we are having a budget crisis within the U.C. System. I just got my statement of account and got a little note with it saying that there will be tuition increases starting spring quarter and the following quarters after that.

It is because the State of California is confronting a major budget crisis due to the lingering impacts of the most recent recession. The state is facing an estimated budget shortfall of nearly 35 billion bucks, which is an amount equivalent to 45 percent of this yearS state general-fund budget.

It totally sucks because the tuition decreases 135 bucks a quarter now, and 400 buck increase in the medicine and the buisness programs.

This really not fair. I blame the damn president and the fact that we are going to war soon. This means it's going to be hard next year, budget cuts everywhere. This means I will have to get a job and work my ass off, going to need some money in case of hard times. I have a feeling that my loans are going to be higher next year, which is going to suck.

Oh well, I'm done with my ranting. Just here chilling, waiting for my first class of the day. I have been pretty productive, did my outline for my History Outline for my termpaper. The paper is due in like two weeks, so I have get cracking on it. Ahh, so much stuff to do, and so little time. It's a wonder how I have kept everything together. I don't know have ketp optimistic, it can always be worse.

said Michelle on 2003-02-24 @ 12:57 p.m.

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