Duaine is Okay

Yay, Duaine just called me. The computer that he has been using suddenly broke down, so he has not been able to contact me for a couple of days. I'm so mad though because my cell cut off on him, and I dialed the number that he gave me and a lady answered the phone. I don't think he was supposed to give their number out. He said that they were kind of mad. I should of not called him back, dont' want those people to be mad at him. He told me not to worry about it.

He got me a card, it should get here in a couple of days. He told me the weaather is hot down there in the south.I just bet it is.

I was just glad to hear his voice. I was just about to take a nap, when I heard my phone going off on my desk. So I had to fly down the ladder almost killing myself on the way to answer my phone. But anyways I just wanted to update that he is fine, and I can't wait for him to call me back.

said Michelle on 2003-03-18 @ 2:19 p.m.

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