Midterm number 3

So I had my midterm today, and I think that I did okay. Everything that I studied was on the particular test that I got. I just hope that I did not do it too fast, and did not make any mistakes. I went with my first instincts on my answers, and when I had the inkling to change something, I just left it alone because there was a good chance that I'm right with my first answer. I also worked a three hour shift, so I"m really tired. I should be doing some extra credit for my pyschology class, but I'm too tired, so I'm going to give my brain a rest for the rest of the evening. The questions are not due until monday at 5, so I can get it done.

Me, and a friend are supposed to go to a Jewish Synagogue tommorow night because for our religious studies class, we have to visit two places of worship outside of our religion. I think visiting a Synagogue would be cool. I visited a Catholic Church for my first visitation, so this should be really different.

I'm so happy to be getting paid tommorow, because I definitely need money. I think that is for all college students. It's a shame how we are broke all of the time. I sometimes wish that there was a money tree, so when you are out of money, you can go to the money tree and pluck money from it. That would be so awesome.

I cannot believe that finals are in two weeks. That means this coming up week, I have to spend it studying. Ugh, I also have to work during finals week, which is a pain in the ass. I'm thinking about returning to my job next year, and you have to work during finals week, or else you do not get rehired. People who return are giving priority of what they want to do. I would love to do cashier, because year, all of my shifts have been on my feet, and it would be great to sit and relax for once. I just wish that the job would pay more, because that would rock. I would look for another workstudy job next year, but it is such a hassle.

Well, I think I'm going to look for a new diary to read, and I have not found a new one to read in awhile. Take care kiddies!

said Michelle on 2003-05-29 @ 7:38 p.m.

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