Big Job Search

I went on a mad job search today. I caught the 10am bus, got the mall at around 11, and was there for 4 hours checking out all of the stores and seeing who had hiring signs in their windows. I really picked a great time to go job hunting, because I put in like 6 applications, and two I had to do online, because they had ran out of applciations. I was so happy that I chose to got out today and go on a job search. The two jobs that I am really hoping for is to work at either Barnes and Nobles, because I really love books, and JcPenny's because I love shopping there, and I have their card. These both seem like really good jobs to have because I can get some experience in sales, I need something worthwhile to put on my resume. I also have an interview setup with Vector Marketing, which is also in sales, so we shall see. I would not have my interview until after school is out, so that is good. I am praying that I get one of these jobs, but I will not stress out too much because I know the Lord will provide for me. He knows my situation.

So I felt like a accomplished some things today except for the fact I did not do any writing on my paper today. I only have like 1 and a half pages done out of 8-10. So tomorrow ladies and gentleman, my ass will be writing all day long. I still have other stuff do to do, but my paper is top priority. The sooner I finish with this paper, the sooner I can start on my other soc paper. Man, why do both have to be due on friday?

said Michelle on 2004-05-22 @ 9:09 p.m.

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Miss these?
4 months later - 2007-03-11
Being a Social Worker - 2006-11-07
Need a new Job!! - 2006-10-11
Two Months into my New Life - 2006-08-30
Loving the Job - 2006-08-17
The Diary
The xtras
Stalk Me
Currently I'm
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