Credit Report Check

This weekend went pretty fast. I hate weekends that are like that, but then again, most of the time weekends during school are like this. I can say though that I was productive. I got an assignment that is not due until tuesday done, and I did laundry, so I feel that my weekend was not a total waste. Whoo hoo!!!

I also checked my credit report online today too. Apparently you are entitled to a free report from the three credit bureaus in the United States every twelve months. You can do it online at Annual Credit Report. There is also a place where you can request your report by mail also. My credit is pretty fair, it costs 5 bucks to get your credit score also, but that is not too bad. Mine is 640, which is average, and I have 9 good accounts and 1 bad account, which was something that I did in my name for my mother awhile ago, and the payment was past due by a couple of months. But the it got paid off, so that is good. That stays on your record for about 2 years. That is hurting my score a bit. Also the fact that my balances on my credit cards are about the same as my limits is bad. That is what I am working on, getting my balances down. It is never a good thing to have your balances as high as your limits, no good at all. I guess this shows lenders that you have no self control or something. Also if your report has too many inquiries on it, then that can bring it down. I know I am lecturing on things that people already know, but some of this stuff I did not know. Glad I know now. I am at a point in my life where I am still young, and I am able to fix my credit. I know people whose credit is really screwed up, and they are about my age, it will take some time for them to fix their credit. Well since I know what my credit looks like to other people, I know that it is not as bad as it could be. In fact it could be so much worse. I feel a bit relieved. I can still get a house and a car in my lifetime. *smile*

Edit: So I finally made a wishlist at Now my readers can see what I wish that I can get, and am unable to do so at the moment. *smile* Trust me, one of these things on my list, I really need.

said Michelle on 2005-10-02 @ 8:16 p.m.

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